
Archive for January 14th, 2009

Gee I Wish I Didn’t


Quote of the Day:

“Rejected by 121 houses before its publication in 1974, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance thrust Robert M Pirsig into stardom selling more than three million copies in paperback alone.”

New York Times


A long time ago, I had a dream of having a house with a room for a library. I belonged to a book club and kept the monthly book and ordered more. I read a lot more and faster than I do now days.

Over the years I have collected several boxes worth of books. My male friends weren’t always happy on moving days when I would find a new apartment. My books traveled all over Kansas with me and they came to California when I moved out here and all over the county.

When I ran out of shelves, I stacked books on the floor, got some bricks and boards to create shelving. You name it and I did it to get my books out where I could see them.

Only now my husband and brother are telling me and have told me that they are not moving any more books if I get the whim to move again. Mind you, I never did live in a house with a library.

About a year ago, I began culling the books I had read and hadn’t excited me. I gave them away, gave them to the library for their book sales and to Goodwill just to be rid of them. I can see some books are like that and I didn’t mind a bit. Then there are books I felt I didn’t need any more. This was my big mistake, until now.

I had a friend call me the other day needing some information from books she knew I had. Well guess what? I cannot find the information I’m looking for in the books I do have. That means the very books I needed I had taken to the used book store and traded them in. Darn!

I called the bookstore just to see if they might have what I’m looking for and they don’t. They didn’t seem to have the books I wanted. Michael took me up to the bookstore just to see for myself and none of the books I wanted were there. Now I will need to slowly begin to replace the books. Shucky darns, I could have had a V-8!

I spoke to a friend later in the evening and asked her to remind me often that I don’t want to trade, gift or donate any of my reference books again. She said that she would. Plus I can always borrow her copies. That is all good and well but she lives a couple of states over.

mz. em


Currently Reading:

The Oath” by John Lescroart” by John Lescroart

New American Standard Bible

Alcoholics Anonymous – Fourth Edition” by Alcoholics Anonymous

Hope for Today” by Al-Anon


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